Our commitment to sustainable entrepreneurship: Snowball’s carbon footprint

Facilitating sustainable entrepreneurship and shortening the route to market for clean technology solutions is Snowball’s mission. Through our Cleantech Accelerator, we contribute to a wide set of innovative R&D projects, on a national, interregional and European level. As a Cleantech hub, Snowball is committed to leading by example. As such, operating sustainably also in regard to our carbon footprint is fundamental to our values. Over the past few months, we have calculated our carbon footprint for 2023, with the support of carbon expert E-Luse. Over the full year of 2023, Snowball has emitted an equivalent of 265.2 tons CO2e, of which over 99% originate from indirect emissions within our value chain (aka scope 3). 

While we are actively and continuously working on reducing our carbon footprint (with initiatives among others zero waste policy @ Daltons, favouring local & sustainable suppliers, 100% green energy supply and 100% waste recycling), we have also decided to offset or remove an amount of greenhouse gases equivalent to what Snowball emits for all scopes, and this on an annual basis. For 2023, we have offset our total Carbon Footprint by investing in reforestation of mangroves and agroforestry in Madagascar via the Go Forest initiative. 

Want to know more about our Carbon Footprint? Check out our report Carbon Footprint Report 2023 here.

Ben jij de poetshulp die wij zoeken?

Locatie: Snowball HarelbekeWerkdagen: Maandag tot vrijdagWerkuren: 30u per week Over SnowballSnowball is een state-of-the-art cleantech hub in Harelbeke. Wij faciliteren duurzaam ondernemerschap en testen innovatieve prototypes …